The Gut | Brain Connection & 7 ways you can strengthen your gut microbiome

As we move into the cooler months, many of us move to heartier meals, turning from lighter eating to hearty soups, stews, and an abundance of charcuterie (who are we kidding, charcuterie is a year-round love). Perhaps this should be the year that we take an even deeper dive into the concept of food, the gut microbiome, and the gut/brain connection. That’s a mouthful – pun intended.

At a time when mental health illness and disease is at an all-time high, and when processed food adorns most grocery store shelves, the connection may seem clear. Except that for many of us, it isn’t.

Let’s break it down.

The Gut Microbiome

Inside of your intestines live a flourishing world of microorganisms made up of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other forms that make up what is called the microbiome. Our gut microbiomes are directly impacted by what we eat. Just like when we take care of our plants, everything we put into their pots – soil, water, fertilizer – impact how they grow, how healthy they are, and how long they will have the ability to thrive. We, too, are the plants. The gut microbiome diminishes or thrives by what touches it and, surprisingly, can even replenish and regenerate itself every few days. Which means, it’s never too late to start feeding your gut the food it requires for optimal health. Research has shown that the more diverse fibrous foods that touch the gut microbiome, the healthier it is, with a healthy goal of consuming 30 varieties of fibre-rich foods per week.

Brain Health

Our brain is a complex creature, isn’t it? A pliable gelatinous mould sitting just so in the hard structure of our skulls, as strong as it is delicate. It can rewire thoughts, habits – ways of being and knowing that it has built and held on to our whole lives, developing new neural pathways upon our own decision and resolve to do so. Our brains are incredible organs. They send signals throughout our entire bodies every second of every day, they store conscious and unconscious thought, they help us with decision making, processes, learning, growth – truly, the list is exhaustive. And, like any other part of our bodies, our brains can live with illness, disease, disorder, imbalance. It is important to remember that some of these modalities are not within our control and are caused by a host of reasons – genes, trauma, chemicals, illness, etc. And our brains are also greatly impacted by what we put into our bodies, how we treat our bodies, and how we move our bodies.

The Gut-Brain Connection

Significant research has shown that there is a direct relation between gut health – specifically the gut microbiome – and brain health.

Some have said that the barrier between the gut and brain is directly connected, and undoubtedly, what we put in our mouth and subsequently in our gut, impacts our brain and therefore can have an impact on our mental health. Research says mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, various psychiatric disorders like bipolar, schizophrenia, and autism, mood swings, and general malaise could be impacted by our gut microbiome. While recognizing that this is only one form of potential support, it’s a big one which we greatly have control over. So why not try to strengthen that gut microbiome?

Now What?

Interested in some ways to strengthen your gut microbiome? Here are some tips for how:

1) Eat all the colours of the rainbow!

Perhaps it goes without saying, but stock up on your fruits and vegetables, packing your gut with as many nutrient-dense and fibre-rich foods you can, to feed that hungry microbiome looking to gain strength from your food! Some great choices include dark leavy greens, cruciferous veggies, and brightly coloured fruit (mmm berries). Try our cruciferous salad recipe!

2) Hit the Gym – or the pavement – or the living room floor – just get active!

Research has shown that the gut health of those who are physically active is more vibrant and healthier than those who aren’t. As well, increased gut health reduces stress, as does exercise, through endorphins, – so it is a double win! Even a 30-minute walk will do the trick, so don’t fall victim to the “it’s not enough” mind trap so many of us fall into. Anything is better than nothing.

3) Drink up

Water is vital for elimination of your bowels, supporting gut health – and brain health for that matter – as approximately 60-70% of our body is made up of just that – water. So, drink up – 2-3 litres per day ya’ll, or, for a more formulated number, simply divide your weight in pounds by two, then consume that amount in ounces.

4) Catch up on your sleep

Research has shown several connections between lack of shut eye and increased risk of inflammation, specific cancers, and overall stress to the body. It is important to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to allow your body to adequately rest and repair. It’s great for the skin too!

5) Meditate

Stress is a, well, big stressor for the gut microbiome. Make sure you’re taking time for yourself to rest, meditate, calm your mind and de-stress, however that looks for you.

6) Probiotics vs. Antibiotics

It is simple – probiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut, and antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your gut. This is important to keep in mind next time you’re given an antibiotic. Sometimes these can’t be avoided, and in that case, talk to your health care provider about taking a probiotic simultaneously to help support those good bacteria.

7) Fermented foods

Ahh, fermented foods, such a wonderful way to feed your gut probiotics. Kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, pickles, yogurt, tempeh – these are yummy ways to make your gut happy!

Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals and do not claim to be. The information here is provided to the best of our knowledge and research. We encourage you to seek medical support and information from your health care provider to determine what the best route of care is for you.

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